jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

The Maximus Miracle Virtual Book Tour Has Landed...

...at Arlene's Blog and boy has it landed with a whoosh and a bang and a whatever-you-are-having-yourself. It is 'Days of Wine and Roses' (Tom Waits...love that song and this first day of 'Maximus Miracle' has brought it to mind...see table-ful of drink at Arlene's place!)

We talk about g/God and war and protected valleys and unprotected rabbits and writing in the dark and 'settling' oneself and trumpets and bad and good habits while writing and Ireland and isolation and relationships to poetry ….all between sipfuls of drink and....then....to get the catch of the day for my next tour stop at Brenda's...we go.....fishing! Because we know Brenda is a fantastic cook and has a few very special fish (y) recipes up her sleeve for us....hello! Brenda ...looking forward to landing in Texas with you...: )

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